Tuesday, 11 March 2008

Dwellers of Vilniaus Street, Dieveniškės about the environment protection

· How does your family dispose home waste?
First of all we throw rubbish into the rubbish bin, then into the rubbish bag. One time in a month, my father takes rubbish bags to Dieveniskės dumping groun.
What do you know about recycling?
I know not much about it. But I know that some big companies recycle rubbish in Lithuania. I think it is a very good way to lessen rubbish pollution and enlarge order in our state.
Would you like to change something in the existing refuse collecting system?
People need more information about refuse collecting system. In our small town just some people know about refuse collecting system.
Do you mind environmental issues?
I think it is water, solar energy, field, vegetation, fauna, and climate.
What do you personally do to make your neighborhood cleaner and greener?
I show to my neighborhood that we should throw rubbish into the rubbish bins. Also I always clean up around my house; I plant trees and flowers.
(Completed by Valentina in Vilniaus street, Dieveniskes)

Interview with my neighbour Vladas S.
How does your family dispose homewaste?
- Usually we just throw it out into the thrash box which is near our house.
What do you know about recycling?
- One time I have heard something on TV about that, it seems that it is connected with garbage. I don’t know exactly.
What would you like to change in the existing refuse collecting system?
- I want our thrash collected more frequently by refuse collectors.
Do you mind environmental issues?
- I think that problems connected with environment are terrible, but we can change it.
What could you personally do to make your neighbourhood cleaner and greener?
- Maybe sometimes we need to care not only about our own rubbish, but collect it, for example, near the river or in the forest.
(Completed by Edita, in Vilniaus Street, Dieveniškės; Class 11)

Interview with Lilija S.
How does your family dispose homewaste?
We put it in separate bins for plastic and for other homewaste…
What do you know about recycling?
It is some factories that waste.
What would you like to change in the existing refuse collecting system?
Do you mind environmental issues?
What could you personally do to make your neighbourhood cleaner and greener?
We have to plant some trees around our house; we have to look after our environment to make it cleaner. We mustn’t drop litter in our streets.

(Completed by Onute, Vilniaus Street, Dieveniškės, Class 11)

Our surrounding in Dieveniškės town is not very dirty yet, but it is not clean enough, too. The process of pollution continues.
The group of resears (Valentina, Onutė, and me) took photos and asked people about environmental problems and recycling in Vilniaus street, Dieveniskes. We have noticed that the older generation and some middle- aged people are indifferent to how their children will live in the future; they have no knowledge about recycling, they are unable to understand what could be done to avoid a lot of problems connected with garbage. These issues are topic exclusively for the younger generation..
All in all in our opinion it is very disappointing that a few care about environment which surrounds them. We should do all we can to save our nature, to inform people and jointly stop polluting.

Class 11

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